30 Days of Writing #Ship30for30

Writing has been one of the biggest loves throughout my life.

I started blogging and sharing my ideas online in 2011.

I have also written two books. A few short e-books. Hundreds of newsletters. Thousands of social media posts.

So what am I doing here, joining a daily writing challenge?

A. The Magic of Conscious Intentions + Commitments

I already write most days, but doing it as part of a group of committed writers gives this practice a new quality.

Holding myself accountable and utilizing the power of group accountability of the #Ship30for30 tribe is exciting for me.

Besides, even though I have done a lot of writing in my life, I don't consider myself a supergreat writer. It's just something I do and I know I can always improve my skills. #beginnersmind

B. I Want to Embody EXPANSION in 2021

The way we start a new day, a new week, a new month or - in this case - a new year sets the stage for what is to come. This month serves as a creative kickstart into the new year.

My word for 2021 is EXPANSION - so here I am, expanding myself as a writer.

It is my message to the universe/higher power: "Yo, I'm ready to go all in."

C. Being Part of a Creative Community of Doers + Makers

I love surrounding myself with inspiring and curious humans, who are passionate about writing and sharing ideas.

Especially during lockdown times, I am enjoying being part of several online communities of likeminded people.

Bonus Motivation:

The idea for a writer and creator community/course has been on my list for a long time. I like getting inspired by other similar projects like this one.

My Writing Commitment For The Next 30 Days:

  1. Write for 25 minutes before noon using a Pomodoro timer

  2. Publish what I wrote the same day on Twitter, Instagram and/or here on my blog.

PS: The challenge is called Ship30for30 and is run by Dickie Bush.

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