Why I Enjoy and Appreciate “Clubhouse”

I have been using the new app Clubhouse actively for about two weeks now:

  • ran my own room events and co-moderated others

  • raised my hands and contributed to conversations many times

(Come find me at @conni.biesalski)

Here is my resumé:

  1. It’s the social media app for the new age we are currently entering.
    By new age, I am talking about the Age of Aquarius.

  2. I believe it’s not just a current hype but that it’s here to stay.

  3. It offers immense potential.

Here is why I enjoy and appreciate the app:

Dope conversations. I have dropped in on some really valuable discussions among wonderful and smart people and the rooms I moderated were really fun too. Yes, there are lots of mediocre chats and boring trash rooms, but hey it comes with any platform - you got to dig a bit to find the gold.

Abundance of friendliness and kindness. It really surprises me how incredibly friendly and kind most people and moderators are on the platform. For real, makes me believe in the good in humans even more.

Everyone is super helpful. Apart from the above point, giving value and being genuine about it seems to be the motto on Clubhouse. I find it fascinating just how patiently people give others advice, so cool.

The collaborative nature of the platform. In essence, you can really only grow by collaborating with others and providing a lot of value. Running a room on your own just talking at people probably won’t get you very far.

It’s going to be interesting to see how the platform further develops, since this is really only the beginning.


(This is atomic essay #22, which is part of 30 Days of Writing #Ship30for30)


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