For Creators Who Feel Like Their Work Isn’t Unique Enough

Many creators carry this belief around that we and our work have to be original.

We think that what we create has to be unique and different from what's already out there.

This is directly related to this belief, which keeps many people from even starting:

“There are already so many people doing what I want to do.”

We think we’re not special and creative enough to create something meaningful and worthwhile for the world.

And the truth is, yes, it’s kind of all been done before:

Nothing is truly original.

(Sorry to burst your bubble.)

Here is the good news though: Any "new" idea is actually just a combination of older ideas or slight variations of them.

What we perceive as original is really just a remix, a mashup of existing ideas.

Confident creators understand that nothing comes from nowhere. All creative work builds on what came before. Nothing is completely original.

There are many other creators writing about the same stuff as I do or making similar videos about what I'm passionate about.

For example, go on YouTube and search for "30 Day Meditation Challenge" or "Morning Routine" or "Minimalist Bullet Journal".

There are hundreds of them already out there, but I still decided to create my own versions. So what!

Or another example:

I started offering Breathwork sessions + coaching as part of my work - there are already so many breathworkers out there - but do you think that would keep me from sharing my passion and gift with the world? Hell no.

You matter. Who you are only exists once in this world, you are unique as you are. Your ideas matter. Your point of view matters. And if you don’t express it and work every day to share your unique gifts, the world has lost something truly irreplaceable.

In the beginning, your work might be similar to what already exists. That's cool and a good thing.

Most creators and artists don't start out having already discovered and shaped their voice. This takes time.

First we imitate and when we show up regularly, our work will organically morph into an extension of who we are, what makes us us, our individuality.

It’s in the act of making things and doing our work that we figure out who we are and that our work becomes unique.

Keep creating. Share your work.

Your uniqueness will emerge when you're not even watching.

(This is atomic essay #11, which is part of 30 Days of Writing #Ship30for30)


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