How to Create Your Heart Out (And Unleash Your Inner Creative Badass)

For the longest time, I never thought I was a creative human being. I never had any confidence in my own creativity.

Until I started creating - a lot.

And sucking - a lot.

In the beginning of my early blogging days in 2011, I was writing non-stop whenever I could while I was working a 9-5 job. I published 4-5 blogposts a week.

When I started Instagram more seriously years ago now, I was taking photos, writing captions and publishing daily.

When I embarked on my YouTube journey, I kicked it off with a 30 day video challenge and have done several more over the years. It helped me learn so quickly.

I am currently dedicating myself to writing and creating guided breathwork meditations (which, it turns out, is an art in itself). Every day, I write, I learn, I create.

They say, if you want quality, start with quantity. I fully stand behind that.

It is also the secret of success of most amazing and big creators and artists out there.

But not the only one.

I believe we can all unleash our inner creative badass. Every human being is a creative being by nature - we ALL have a second energy center that holds our creative power.

Keep creating your heart out.

(This is atomic essay #18, which is part of 30 Days of Writing #Ship30for30)


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