Focus on the Process, Not the Outcome

I used to chase numbers and goals.

Because my self-worth was attached to them.

That’s what we are taught, right?

‘We will be happy and successful and worthy, when we achieve and have certain things.’

The funny thing is, none of those achievement ever had a lasting impact on my happiness, nor inner worthiness.

This equation never works out. No external thing or person or goal will ever bring you lasting happiness. It doesn’t work like that.

Neither crushing a five-figure launch nor finishing writing a book last week made me feel more whole as Conni.

But here is what does make me feel whole:

Being in love with the process.

Enjoying creating and helping others so much that the goal becomes irrelevant.

Goals and achievements are hollow.

It’s about who we become on the path and truly loving the present moment of creation.

The love for the process detaches us from the outcome:

When I work on a video for two weeks – I release it and there is a little high for an hour. But right after, it is back to work. More creating.

The key is to not get attached to the views and comments and the feedback, but to focus on getting back to creating. Because that is where my true fulfilment comes from, not the reactions to the stuff I put out.

Of course it’s nice to read wonderful comments and see the views go up – but my ego is not attached to it anymore. My self-worth does not need the affirmation from outside.

I create for the sake of creating.

I create with the intention to provide value and to serve and contribute. Not because I need people to love my stuff.

But I would also create for free and if nobody was watching.

Focus on the process and not the outcome.

Find excitement in creating and not in reaching the goal.

We cannot control the goal and we cannot control success – however, we can control our efforts and the process.

I can set an INTENTION of reaching a certain number of followers or income per month, but in the end, it is not in my control.

What I can control is showing up every day and putting my heart and soul into my writing, my videos, my photography and podcast. I can control giving a ton of value. No one can take that away from me.

The more you focus on that, the more you open yourself up to true and authentic “success”.

Then, thousands of followers, a published book, making a good income or having a video pop on YouTube can be the result – but if the‘s the goal, we’re lost before we’ve even begun.

The only reason to be a writer, a filmmaker, a photographer or any creator is because you have to be that. You cannot not do it.

Fall in love with the craft and with every moment that your creative center moves you to express yourself.

This is where the magic to a truly fulfilling and meaningful life is hidden.

You will stop chasing and start being.


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