Create Something Every Day

We are humans and we come with a primal urge to create and express ourselves.

This urge is not in the world of rationality, it’s in our DNA. Primal means the most basic, important part of who we are. We are here to create.

You and I and all of us have a creative energy center that yearns to be activated and its energy moved and utilized.

It’s called the sacral chakra, which is also referred to as the second chakra, sacral chakra or Svadhisthana in Sanskrit. It is located below the navel in the lower abdomen and it is the centre of sexuality, reproduction and creativity, but also movement and emotion.

Back in the days, all of us humans used to create houses, food, tools, art.. Evidence suggests that we started making art some 50.000-100.000 years ago. This ells me that we exist to make stuff.

I love what Jeff Goins wrote in his newsletter yesterday:

“We make things, because we can’t help it. It’s in our being. Almost every faith tradition and mythology has a story about us humans being fashioned from the dirt or clay or from the imagination of some deity or another. 

Often, the very life force that animates us is the power of breath, which is appropriate considering it is the first thing we do when we come into this world and the last thing that happens before we leave it. We are created beings that are at once a part of the earth and filled with the same creative spirit that made us. We are breathed-in—that is, inspired—beings.

I believe we make things, because that’s what we were made to do. Not even to make things, but to be making things. We are the little creators of our lives and the world as we know it. And as we endeavor to make something beautiful of, say, a pile of multicolored foamed blocks, that are worn and old and falling apart in some places; we invite the rest of the world to follow our example. So we create not just to make something out of nothing, but we also create to inspire others to be creative.

And this, I think, is how we make the world something other than what it has always been.”

Creativity and making stuff is like medicine, it’s healing.

I used to struggle with depression and low self-worth a lot, but writing, making videos and photography helped me to feel connected to myself (depression = disconnection from self) and experience states of flow (the complete opposite of being depressed).

Thus, give yourself permission to create something every day:

  • Write

  • Make videos

  • Record a podcast

  • Take photos

  • Draw

  • Paint

  • Make music

  • Build something

To keep everything bottled in and spend your life as a passive consumer and not step into the arena as an active creator is setting yourself up for a life of regret and lack of fulfillment.

I am currently setting dedicated time aside every morning to write. And so far, it’s been the best thing I have done in a long time. It is helping me break through my creative constipation and inner frustration. Writing every day helps me think netter, find clarity in my cluttered brain and come up with new ideas. It’s freaking awesome. Try it.

Make something daily and see how it transforms you and your life.


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    My Daily Routine for More Flow and Creativity (2020 Edition)


    Make Bad Stuff