Advice for Perfectionists (My Struggles + Solutions)

We don’t just overcome perfectionism one day -

or as Stephen Pressfield calls it in his book The War of Art:

The Resistance with capital R.

We aren't just magically free of it one day.

It’s a lifelong dance, a back and forth of who is leading the dance.

Becoming a confident and prolific creator is like trying to get fit. We have to constantly train the muscle that helps us move past perfectionism, procrastination, and the Resistance.

We don’t just fight the dragon once. It will show up for as long as we create.
In my case, ten years later, I tend to struggle more with perfectionism now than I did in the beginning.

I recently finished creating a course for creators, which is all about overcoming creative insecurities, procrastination, and perfectionism. It’s called CREATE AS YOU ARE. Because I want creators to confidently express who they are and what sets their souls on fire.

Of course, I was dealing with all the things I teach in the course even more so as I was creating the course - AND it made the course so much better!

Of course, perfectionism shows up as a regular visitor. That’s just life as a creator.

But - I have found a trillion ways to move through Perfectionism and the Resistance.

I have had to put in so many reps that my muscles are strong and my tool belt is huge.

I don’t let Resistance hold me back from creating and putting myself out there. Those days are long gone.

I have pressed publish on so many imperfect things in my life as a creator.

Imperfection everywhere.

And so here I am - still dancing with perfectionism.

Remember what Elizabeth Gilbert says:

“Create whatever you want to create — and let it be stupendously imperfect, because it’s exceedingly likely that nobody will even notice. And that’s awesome.”

And even if they do notice, they will forget. we only really remember a fraction of what we consume online.

I just pressed publish on an imperfect video on this topic. Check it out here:

Perfection is an illusion and so we might as well just drop the pursuit of it.

How is perfectionism holding you back from sharing your gifts with the world?

PS: You can join the course at


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